Overview of Ameriplan

"Who is Ameriplan"

5 Years ago we were a 10 million dollar company. Today we are a 100 million dollar company and we are growing so quickly that we are expected to be worth over a billion dollars within 3 years! We currently have the highest rating possible with the US Chamber of Commerce; we are also members of the National Association of Dental Plans and sit on the board of the Consumer Health Alliance. The name of the company is Ameriplan we also currently hold an A+ rating with the BBB.
Our company has even been recognized and featured for the unique ways we save people money as well as allowing people to work from home in publications like “The New York Times”, “Wall Street Journal” and “Time Magazine”.
Additionally, Parent Magazine's mentioned Ameriplan as one of the top 25 ways to save money on healthcare. Also Melanie Dobson with Good Morning America recently mentioned Ameriplan as the top Dental and Medical Discount Benefits Company. So as you can see we are very well known and respected on a national level.

“What we do”
 As Brokers with AmeriPlan we have two positions available. You can do one or you can do both. It is completely up to you.
The first position: Benefits Specialist. A Benefit Specialist helps people save money by enrolling them into one of our six exclusive plans, which range from $14.95 for a single dental plan, to our $150.00 Platinum Freedom Pass; this includes our amazing AmeriDoc/Telemedicine plan. A person can visit the doctor over the phone for advice, a diagnosis, and to receive prescriptions; also included is dental, vision, RX, chiropractic, physician visits, and our secure net Plus which is, Identity theft protection, along with restoration, legal and financial services, roadside assistance and National Child ID.
We have over 400,000 healthcare providers in our network, nationwide. Our plans are accepted at all major pharmacies including CVS, Walgreens, Wal-Mart, Target, your local grocery stores and all major vision centers including Pearl Vision, Lens Crafters, Sears, JC Penney, and the list truly does go on from there.
We are a great affordable alternative for people who have no Insurance, or high deductibles. Our plans help people save between 20%-80% on their healthcare needs depending on what provider they are seeing and what services they require. Unlike traditional Insurance companies there is no need to worry about pre-existing conditions, claim forms, waiting periods or age limits. Our plans will cover everyone under your roof, from day one, no matter age or relationship up to 20 people. So we are primarily an alternative way to save on healthcare costs in this struggling economy. If they already have insurance, we can be a secondary policy to help out with the remainder of the bills.

The second position: Training Specialist/Recruiter. This position is specifically designed to help people to work from home for AmeriPlan. We are trained to interview people and see if our company is a good fit.  Everyone has their own way of working their business.
Some of our team members like to work their business in their local communities, by placing flyers and brochures around town. Some of our IBOs, “Independent Business Owners”, love to work the Small Businesses or big groups that do not already offer benefits to their employees. There are many opportunities to do it locally and we will train you how to do that. Then, there are some who work strictly on the internet, like I do. Using the internet advertising, or leads, which are people who have requested information about our benefits or about working from home; I will give them a quick call just as I have you and let them know what we are offering. Either way is fine and you can certainly do a little of both. We do not do any cold calling or telemarketing and we are definitely not high pressured sales people. What we are doing is responding to people’s requests based on needs and educating them on what we have to offer and if it is a good fit for them and their family, great! If not, just move on. We do not have any quotas to meet or contracts so we are on a month by month basis.

As mentioned above, we train you how to master these positions. We have an in-depth training program, which provides a training website that will teach you everything you need to know to get your business up and running and successful. Our team also has in addition; training calls that go on every day that you can call into at your convenience.  These calls are live and highly interactive they are always opened up so you can ask questions from the top leaders in the company. Now, all our training calls are recorded so if for some reason you are unable to attend you can listen to them at a later time thru your computer or mobile devise. Our training is very thorough, so we do not sign you up and leave you figuring out your next step. We have laid this out for you. All you need to do is follow the steps of success. We have an atmosphere that takes pride in our team and our team in you!
“How we get paid”
With AmeriPlan, we are paid in two ways, daily pay and monthly residual income.
First:  Daily pay is just as it sounds, we are paid the same day that we help someone with one of our affordable benefit packages.   When you enroll someone to work with the company or someone into one of our benefit packages, you will receive either 20%, 30% or 40% daily upfront and monthly residual check depending on which level you are.
 Second:  Residual income, this is great because you keep getting paid over and over again for the work you did one time. You will continue to receive a portion of that same person's monthly membership month after month, year after year, as long as the person has an active membership. We do have a 90% retention rate with people who elect our memberships to save them money on their healthcare needs. Showing our plans work and really do save people a lot of money. I am currently still paid on memberships I enrolled back when I first started.
Example: if you help 10 people with a membership your first month you get paid on those 10 memberships; month 2 you help 10 more people, you will be paid on 20 memberships and so on month after month….This is how we build our annual income to 25k, 50k, and so on…
As a Level One Rep, you will receive 20% pay and monthly residual income on each piece of business you put on the books. The upfront Paychecks will be between $6-$60 and the monthly residual will be between $3-$30.
As a Level Two Rep, you will receive 30% pay on each piece of business.  The upfront Paychecks will be between $9-$90 and the monthly residual will be between $5-$45.
As a Level Three Rep, you will receive 40% pay on each new piece of business.  The upfront  Paychecks will be between $12-$120 and the monthly residual will be between $6-$60
“How to get started”
Now since we are an Independent contractor with Ameriplan we do have an annual registration fee of $19.95.  We receive a Back office website; this is where we enter all of our applications, check on team members, and our paychecks; we basically run our business from this site. You will receive a tangible new broker kit in the mail and it will be filled with colored brochures of all our benefit programs, applications, and forms. You will receive 5 E – commerce websites professionally designed for your business with all of our programs listed on there for potential customers to look at, and to locate providers in their area.
Also, we have a huge broker support center with full time employees at our corporate headquarters in Plano Texas; these people process all of our membership applications. They also process payments and field all of customer’s calls. We also receive a $2,500.00 death and dismemberment life insurance policy; this policy will increase up to one million dollars as you grow with the company.
Your business is able to be willed and/or sold, so your children are able to inherit the income you have built for the rest of their lives as well; you will be able to leave behind a true legacy income for your family.
I personally supply all my new Team mates with people who have shown an interest to work from home, just as you yourself have done. So while you may be thinking I do not have anyone who will be interested, no worries, I have that covered.
Now, like any job/business you have, you have to pick a benefits package that is due at  the time of sign up and will become pay roll deducted as you grow your residual income. We have three to choose from depending on what fits your family/personal needs: 
First Package is the:
Platinum Plus benefit Package you and your entire household will receive: Dental, Vision, Prescription, Chiropractic, and Secure net: which is Legal, Financial Services, Identity Theft Protection, Roadside Assistance, and National Child ID kit. This Package is only $50.00/month plus the $19.95 annual business activation for a total of $69.95. This will also qualify you for 40%/20% Pay.  
Second Package is:
Total Platinum benefit package you will receive all the benefits the Platinum Plus plan offers plus the full medical plan. So you can also save on physician visits, hospital stays, MRI’s, blood test etc… This package is only $75.00/month plus the initial Investment of 19.95 annual enrollment activation fee for a total of $94.95.  This package will also qualify you for 60%/30% Pay.
Third Package is:  
Freedom Pass benefits package you will receive all the benefits the Total Platinum Plan offered, plus our exclusive AmeriDoc/Telemedicine services for your family. This also provides savings on shopping, automotive, technology, dining, recreation, travel, etc…This package is only $150.00/month plus the initial Investment of $19.95 annual enrollment activation fee for a total of $169.95. This package will also qualify you for 80%/40% Pay.
To get started now, you can call me at (812) 605-2213 or go to Join Now to enroll yourself online. IMPORTANT: When you reach the package selection page of the application, be sure to check the box of which package/level you would like to have ($50.00, $75.00 ,or $150.00) before continuing on to the next screen. This will ensure that you are eligible to receive commission, residual income and bonuses.
"About Me"
Just a few short years ago, I was faced with some really tough decisions I had a huge amount of Debt, my husband was about to become unemployed, and I was pregnant with our second child.
I stumbled upon a home based company while praying desperately and searching for something I could do from home that would also give us healthcare benefits for the upcoming delivery of our newest baby. I found Ameriplan and they had the perfect opportunity that fit my life needs best of all I saw results from others who had joined the opportunity before myself who were replacing their income and building security for their families. I knew that there were many people just like myself who were looking for the same things I was going after.
Since that time in 2009 the good Lord has used this wonderful vess...el to replace that income I would have acquired working outside of the home. I have been able to pay off 95% of my debt in the past 3 years, the best part is I have not missed a moment with my children. I have been there for each one of their first not having to beg to get time off to attend. Becoming a small business owner has truly changed my life. I worked hard and I acquired two promotions in the first year. I had no prior experience or training prior to starting this business. I was clueless on what to do, where to go, and how to start. The team I joined offered some great training and with that I was able to start the right way. I have picked myself and my family up and changed our outcome and you can do the same. To request an interview with me please visit www.workwithjenn.info God Bless and have a great Day!


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