Tuesday, July 10, 2012

What Residual Income Can Do For YOU!

Having a source of passive/residual income in today's economy is essential. Back in the day, people flocked to real estate to create their passive income. And they did very well with it for quite some time. However, we all know where that market has gone...into the dirt. In these tough economic times of layoffs and people's retirement accounts and dreams disappearing, the brilliant financial minds out there like Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki and Warren Buffett now recommend network marketing to people to create their passive/residual income. And before turning your nose up at the thought of network marketing, know that it's SO much more than the "old school chasing friends and family down" days that have been embedded in people's minds. There is no more having to approach your friends and family to buy products/services and join your home business. It's SO much more than that. I've been in this industry for almost six years and have never one time approached a friend or family member and don't ever plan to. LOVE them dearly, they are so important to me and I treasure them but it's just not my thing. There is a WHOLE world out there on the internet that are looking for a network marketing business from home that don't need to be "sold" on the concept. When the big dogs, Robert Kiyosaki, Donald Trump and Warren Buffett put their seal of approval all over network marketing, people started to get their noses out of the air and started paying attention. The AWESOME thing about creating a residual income with Network Marketing is it doesn't require a lot of capital upfront, like real estate does, for example. Anyone with a good attitude, persistence and a lot of self motivation can do it. And while those three qualities may weed out many, it still leaves a door open for average people...like me.

So, what's the big deal about having a residual income? Residual income is a beautiful thing, you do the work one time and that income continues to follow you month after month, year after year. I am still receiving residual income every month for business I put on the books in 2009! You can't beat that! This type of passive income not only keeps you set financially but it allows you to focus on things in your life that are most important, your family, your relationships, enjoying life, all those things we cherish but so many don't have themselves setup to put first. Bottom line, it gives you freedom!!

My residual income has not only allowed me to be home with my kids for the past few years but it's touched me on an even deeper level. In April of 2012, my family faced a horrible tragedy. My father who was only 49 years old had a stroke in the middle of the night. My mother was not able to take care of him 100% alone. I went home every day to help her out in any way I could. During those tough first months, I was able to spend time with my dad and mom and not just time but quality time. Those days and hours are priceless. If I wouldn't have had a strong residual income, I wouldn’t have been able to do that. So I’m truly grateful for my home business and my residual income for giving me the freedom to spend time on what was truly important to me. I worked around my sister, my checks still came, my checks still grew! What a blessing that I didn’t have to worry about finances during a time where money should be the least of anyone’s worries.

We all have things come up in our lives, divorces, sick family members, injuries, child birth, spouses getting laid off, etc. Wouldn't it be nice to have a residual income already coming to you every month when those things come up? A guaranteed check in the mail every month certainly makes things a lot easier, I know from personal experience. If you are already working on building a residual income for yourself and your family, good for you! Keep on working hard to grow it, it will come in handy through the years. If you haven't started to build your residual income, what are you waiting for? Find your opportunity and get to work on it, it is SO worth it!

So grateful for my residual income
Jenn C.

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