Monday, September 17, 2012

Direct sales could be your ticket to Recession-proofing

I want to share with you all today what is recession proof in this economy, 1) investing in yourself first and foremost 2.) It is Direct Sales. I am told every single day I do not want to do sales. Ok did you know that you do sales every single day of your life? You sell your kids on eating Veggies, you sell your friends on the new product or book you just bought you do sales every single day of
you life not even knowing it!!! I suggest you get good at sales because here is ...
the real deal you can have a killer Resume but if you cannot sell yourself to that interviewee guess what you will remain unemployeed!!! If you do not like sales and you do not want to do sales get ready to not land that dream job you have dreamed about trust me you have to sell to get anywhere in this world it is not the economy it is your sales attitude!!! Tell me agian why you do not like sales please I beg you!!! Defend why you can not and will not do sales please!!! Hey if you have anything to add feel free to do so comment below thanks

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